Latest Testable Version:
If you are participating in the ‘existing user’ beta test you can download the latest version here (~ size 11000 KB). The full install has not been released yet.
1. Most importantly I am concerned about existing users having ‘data’ problems when upgrading so please BACKUP. (Copy your entire data folder – you should find it in mydocuments/keeper/data and put it somewhere safe).
2. Close YourOtherMind
3. Extract the contents of the zip file and OVERRIDE the files that are in mydocuments/keeper/data/exe/current
4. Restart YourOtherMind
5. Explore the new features (most are summarized here Try and go through your existing data, looking for any bugs.
6. Let me know your concerns, suggestions, et cetera. If you run into a *big* problem please try and supply me with the log file and/or the eventtable – let me know if you need help finding those. E-mail comments and/or post them to the blog on the beta page
You can download the latest help file here but I’ve only done a token update on it.