Onto New Adventures
“Former Lead Designer of Dragon Age to Leave BioWare”
or more appropriately — “Has Brent taken some crazy pills?”
The last year and a half has been a busy one for me — a second child, a new home, selling several short stories (finally!), and finishing up my work on Dragon Age. In February I took a sabbatical and really sat down and thought about what I wanted to be doing long-term.
And though many things were yet undecided (and some still are) one thing was clear. After ten years, I could no longer work for BioWare. There are a many reasons for this, most are private, but ultimately I’m not the same person I was when I started, and BioWare isn’t the same company. We’ve changed.
So, ’tis time to part. In less than three weeks I will be unemployed guy.
What will I be doing with my time?
For the next six months, to a year (or until the money runs out) I’ll be doing the following:
* Adobe Flash Profressional is really stupid expensive
[…] Three months ago I left BioWare after having worked there for ten years. It was a big decision, probably the biggest I have ever made. In a previous post I talk a bit about why I left. […]