Table Notes

Table Notes inherit functionality from the Label Note, while adding several key features, that are integral to much of the customization within the YourOtherMind writing environment.

Almost every list that is able to be edited is stored on a table in the system note. Users can also add their own table notes to organize whatever they desire. The table behaves like a standard (albeit simplified) table seen in Excel or the like. A few helper functions exist to make the table editing experience more efficient.

For users, tables are useful for creating lists (especially randomized lists, such as are required for randomizing character traits) or keeping track of revision progress, in checkpoint form.

The row of buttons on the special table toolbar, from left to right, perform the following functions:

  • Preview (Random). Will randomly select a row. The first column name must be called “roll” and contain a number. The second must be called “result” and contain the possible results. That is, if all the cells in the row called “roll” are number subsequently, lets say 10 rows, numbered from 1 to 10. Then the there is a 1 in 10 chances, when this random button is pressed that a value from the “result” is chosen for any particular row.

    • Users can define ranges too, instead of a single number. For example, they can write something like the following:
      In this situation the middle entry (blue) will be more likely to appear)
  • Edit Columns. This allows adding or removing of columns. (Warning: If you remove existing columns, any data in the table will be lost. Consider exporting the data first, see below, before proceeding with this.)
  • Import List. A comma delimited list may be pasted here and it will be added to the table. The number of columns must match EXACTLY for the import to work properly. If you need a blank value just have things blank, such as “,,,” which would fill the table with four blank cells.
  • Copy to Clipboard. Copies the contents of the table into a comma delimited format for pasting, either into other tables or Excel sheets.
  • Follow Link. If the contents of the current selected cell are a valid Layout Name, then that Layout will be opened. This is useful when using the table to organize categorized pages of links. (Another useful way to organize groups of notes is to use Storyboard Notes).
  • Load and Save XML. Tables are able to be exported as an XML file. These two buttons allow the user to export the table and then import them into another table. This is generally useful as a way to backup a complicated table, if you are paranoid about losing its data.
  • Insert Row. Will insert a row at the current location.
  • Autonumber Rows. Will automatically number the rows in the current column, starting at 1. Keep in mind this will erase whatever data was in those cells.

Column Names

We have already mentioned two special column names, “roll” and “result”. There are also two others, “Modifier” and “Next Table”. These four columns together are the default columns when a new table is created (but users are free to create their own column names).

Next table is used when CHAINING random tables together. By specifying a name here, if this result is selected, then a random result from the table specified in Next table, will also be selected and appended to the initial result. This chaining can continue as deep as desired.
In this image we see one table that leads to either the TableWarm or the TableCold, depending on the initial roll.

Modifier is used to influence the value sent to Next Table (to skew the results of the random roll on that table). That is, the user may specify that when a particular result is obtained, the next table starts off with +10 to the random roll. This might remove certain lowered numbered elements from consideration.

TIP: Clicking on the name of a column will sort by that column.

Other Fields

Tables have a few other fields, that can be set via the PROPERTY MENU.

  • Table Caption. This is the name that will appear when a random result is requested (basically it just makes the text look nicer, especially when chaining tables).
  • Next Table. As described in Column Names, this will be the table that the next random result is taken from, if NO next table is specified on an individual row. Think of it as the default Next Table, if none specified in the table itself.

Calling Random Tables

YourOtherMind ships with a few random tables available from invoking from the Layout Bar. More useful is that users can add their own tables here.

  • Navigate to the System Layout and find the panel named TABLES.
  • On the TABLES, find the table called list_randomtables.
  • Add a new row. In the tables columns, put in text of the form layoutname|tablename. Then save. (User will have to reload current layout, to get the RANDOM menu to refresh)
  • Now select a Text Note on the desired Layout and invoke the new random entry you added. A random result from the new table will be pasted into the current text note. If the user desires a popup prompt instead, just append the word PROMPTS to the end of the table name, when adding it to list_randomtables.

3 Responses

  1. Tables and Links
    at ·

    […] pages describing Table Notes and Link Notes. Take a look at them and let me know what you […]

  2. Printing Support
    at ·

    […] delving into the issue of printing support, I just want to mention that the Table Note page has been updated with better descriptions (and images) of how to construct a chain of random […]

  3. Brent Knowles
    at ·

    Press SHIFT+ENTER when inside a cell to add a line break.

    (For some reason this won’t work on a new table. You need to close the layout and reopen it).

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