Getting the Ball Rolling

I am nearing the point where I will be uploading the code for YourOtherMind and so I’m starting my documentation tour. I am partly starting in the middle (with some of the AddIns), but I plan to create an overview video at some point to better explain how everything fits together.

Please note I’m rushing through the initial text to create the pages required, so the text itself will be rather rough and sparse (no proofreading till this is all done!).

If you find outrageous errors, please let me know and I’ll correct them immediately, otherwise this will be an iterative process.

Additionally, the notes I add about new features will be added as pages, so won’t appear in the RSS feed, if you subscribe, but I’ll try to ensure I post regularly, listing the pages that have been updated.

Recently updated pages include:
YourOtherMind Markup Language (for generating ePubs and the like)