Feedback form for Keeper now available
If you would like to provide feedback on YourOtherMind, please use the following form.
I really want to make YourOtherMind as useful for as many writers as possible and any feedback sent will be considered carefully. Thank you.
– Brent Knowles
Hi Brent,
Just discovered “Keeper” and am perusing your website. From what little I know, PC users who write love feataures Scrivener has and would love a Windows app that has the corkboard feature, at least. I think your software (I haven’t tried it yet) appears very promising. I took the “tour” and wished the display was clearer. Keep it up.
Thanks for your comments. I haven’t used Scrivener (don’t have a mac) but I’ve read a lot about it. I think the StickIt pages are very similiar to the corkboard, but I definitely would appreciate any other suggestions.
The next version in development has a lot of features that I think makes Keeper reallyc oompete as a full writing environment (spellcheck, enhance dictionary, dialog preview, full-screen editor, manuscript conversion and more).
Please let me know if you run into anything confusing/awkawrd as you play with Keeper. Thanks!