
With 4700 words, the first draft of my novel is finished. It ended up at 108000 words, a little long as I’ve noted before but I’ll have it below 100k for the final draft. Most of the writing happened after January, so not bad output for three months. I had planned to be finished in February though.

The draft is rougher than I had intended setting out but I learned a lot. I’m taking a break from it to work on several short stories and start planning the second novel (a rewrite of an urban fantasy novel I started writing back in college). In May I’ll start work on the second draft which I’ll begin shopping around for a publisher in the summer.

A few of you may have noticed the ‘Ice Onion’ tag I’ve applied to a few of my posts. That’s just the external codename I’ve been using for the novel, it is a silly label but oddly enough represents the novel well, though not as well as the internal codename I’ve been using, which unfortunately gives away too much of the novel at this point. I think when I begin the great publisher hunt this summer I’ll post the first chapter and that’ll help explain the relevance of the codename.

Anyways, I’m going to go take a nap or have a beer or something before the kids come home.