
A (somewhat rough) page has been added describing, for programmers, how to work with the translation system in the YourOtherMind writing environment. Probably not overly exciting for users. For those wishing to provide translation services…

Layouts and Download
Status Update on  YourOtherMind Writing Environment.

Backup Your Data Daily!

Please make sure you are backing up your YourOtherMind data daily. I ran into an issue with my own build where some files disappeared on me… I’ve cleaned up the code that handles the errors…

Scrivener for Windows

For those not in the know Scrivener for the Macintosh is an incredibly versatile writing organizer, hugely popular, with many testimonials behind it. And its quite inexpensive. With my writing platform YourOtherMind (and its predecessors…

Feedback for version 8.3?

If anyone has downloaded the latest version of YourOtherMind and has feedback please let me know. Especially looking for any bugs that may have popped up in the latest version and escaped my testing cycle…

YOM Version 8.3 Released

Yesterday the 8.3 update for the YourOtherMind writing platform went live. The improvements are listed on the version 8.3 page. To get them you need to turn on Help|Automatic Updates and restart YourOtherMind. I’m really…

New features for Version System and Dialog Preview

New for version 8.3 – Right clicking the Archive this version button on the version control allows you to choose a label – Selecting Page|Advanced|Archive page will archive the current page. This is especially useful…