Deadlines and Reading Periods

Markets can be flagged as having reading periods so it is convenient to know which markets can be submitted to at any given moment. Deadlines and Reading Periods What does it do? When submitting stories…

The Writer’s Organizer Has A New Name

After months of debate, I have decided upon a new name for my writing organization software (Keeper/Worgan). And the new name is? YourOtherMind (you may call it Yom, if you prefer). As I talk a…

Dual Monitors

Dual Monitors What does it do? YourOtherMind, the Writer’s Organizer has always worked with multiple monitors but with this version a few convenience features have been added. The first option maximizes the Writer’s Organizer across…

Random Sentences

Random Sentences What does it do? For brainstorming fun random sentences can be generated in the body of any text note. These can be used to help trigger fresh ideas, or to get a blocked…

Random Names

Random Names What does it do? The user is able to add random male, female, or surnames onto any text note, anytime. Reason for this Feature Nice to brainstorm names without consulting a book or…

StickIt – Screen Capture

Screen Capture What does it do? StickIt pages allow the user to grab images (from the web, other applications, whatever) easily by either dragging them onto the StickIt page or by using the screen capturer….

Run as Batch File

What does it do? Runs a YourOtherMind page as a batch file. Reason for this Feature Batch files are useful text files that can be used to automate routine tasks, such as copying files or…

Send Away

Send Away What does it do? Sends the current page to an external tool for processing/distribution. This allows YourOtherMind – The Writing Organizer to be used as a content distribution system, in that the source…