YOM Version 8.3 Released

Yesterday the 8.3 update for the YourOtherMind writing platform went live. The improvements are listed on the version 8.3 page. To get them you need to turn on Help|Automatic Updates and restart YourOtherMind. I’m really…

New features for Version System and Dialog Preview

New for version 8.3 – Right clicking the Archive this version button on the version control allows you to choose a label – Selecting Page|Advanced|Archive page will archive the current page. This is especially useful…


Allows users to customize the overall appearance theme of YourOtherMind. Skinning What does it do? A new skinning system allows for a rapid change in appearance of the application. How To Use It Right-click on…

Letter from the Developer

A quick update. I’m in the middle of either the coolest revision to the YourOtherMind interface or the worst idea I’ve ever had. Verdict is still out. To address new user shellshock and confusion I’ve…

SendAway – Alias

A simple method to make using the SendAway feature easier by using aliases to disguise long file paths. SendAway – Alias What does it do? When using SendAway the user is able to send the…