Adding a page to Keeper
Adding Notes
What does it do?
At its core YourOtherMind, the Writer’s Organizer, is about collecting ideas.
To that end there are a variety of ways to add pages, and many types of pages.
Reason for this Feature
Core feature for YourOtherMind.
How To Use It
There are three ways to add note pages:
1. Press the Add Page button from the notebook (this brings the user to a form allowing them to enter a name, keywords, and choose a page type)
2. Press ctrl+n (this creates a new, untitled basic note page)
3. Press Write a Story, Create a Character, Add idea, Add a market, or StickIt from the Dashboard. These will create a project-stickit, a character note, a basic note, a market note, or a stickit note, respectively.
4. Dragging a Picture onto the Dashboard will create a StickIt page with the contents
(Movie) Tutorial – Adding Pages. Shows how to add a page, rate it and assign keywords to it.
(Movie) Tutorial – Adding Pages. Shows how to add a page, rate it and assign keywords to it.
Applies To
Dashboard, main notebook, shortcuts
1. We are working on a web presence for YourOtherMind, allowing users to add ideas to the web and then pull them into YourOtherMind as new notes
More info – Page Types
These are the types of notes you can add to YourOtherMind:
Writing Pages
Notes: This is the default page. Use it to store ideas, recipes, random thoughts, et cetera. All other pages have all the fields of the note page. All pages inherit the fields that are available on the Notes pagetype.
Stories and Project : Anything you plan to “submit” to a market should become a project page at some point. Once it is a project page special rules apply to it that allow you to use the Submission Tracker.
Markets: Store information about story & novel markets here. Keeping this data up to date will allow you to more easily determine the best possible market match for your writing.
People and Characters . Use this page to keep track of real people (contacts or historical figures) and your own fictional characters.
StickIts: Create visual layouts by dropping ideas and pictures onto a canvas and arranging them visually.
World Building
Species: This page has special details for you to enter data pertaining to a species you might be creating for one of your works of fiction.
Currency: This page lets you track important information about the coins that might be used in your world.
Culture: This page is used to define a culture. Several cultures form a nation.
Nation: Nations organize a group of cultures
Pantheon: Lists a group of gods and their abilities.
Faith: Is usually a subset of a Pantheon.
Tables: Used to organize lists or to generate random tables (like the character maker system in YourOtherMind).
Letters and forms: This special kind of page is used by several of YourOtherMind’s internal tools — page printing, financing reports, and cover letters. Using special codes, text can be automatically inserted into the letter.
Images and Maps: This can be used to keep track of an interesting photo, piece of art, or visual reminder. Great for RPG development.