This is my year end summary of my writing endeavors for 2009.
I was still working at BioWare for three quarters of this year, so I’m expecting my productivity to increase for 2010. That said, I’m quite happy with the number of acceptances I’ve received this year.
Stories Written in 2009:
Four science fiction stories and one fantasy story (one of the sci-fi stories being my Writers of the Future winner). These were longer stories than I normally write, in the 9K+ range. I also wrote three chapters of ‘The Novel’.
New Stories Published in 2009:
‘From the Sea’ On Spec #78 Fall 2009
‘The Tale of Lady Spite’ Tales of the Talisman Volume 5 Issue 2
‘The Prophet’ End of Days 2 Anthology
Reprints Published in 2009:
‘His Island’ AnthologyBuilder
To Be Published in 2010:
‘The Monastery’ Not One of Us TBD
‘The Daughter’s Oath’ Through Blood and Iron, Ricasso Press, TBD
‘Digital Rights’ L. Ron Hubbard’s Writers of the Future Anthology #26
And one reprint of a previously published story, details later
Other Stuff
Joined SF Canada
This is a little bar graph of my submission history over the last two decades. It serves to humble me whenever I start getting cocky.