New website up

The move from my old website into this wordpress one is complete. YourOtherMind, author pages, Visual Desk, all my writing goodies and free stories are now available here.

Upgrade to WordPress 2.7 completed

Fairly painless though a lot of little manual steps. Everything seemed to transfer over properly though and I learned a few things, which is always a Good Thing.

Site migration 75% done

All the really important pages are up and running under our new site. I’ll continue to migrate the other ones, hopefully finishing tomorrow. Will also probably update to the new version of WordPress (the software…

WordPress… awesome

There’s been a few glitches but I’m about 25% of the way migrating my old site into this wordpress site. Maintenance is going to get a lot easier, which should mean more frequent updates and…


Beginning to transition my site from into this new WordPress one. I’ll have to decide if I’ll migrate my blog from or not.